Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mary Don't you Weep

For this week, the song speaks about moses saving the people of Israel from the Egyptians by parting the sea and allowing them to walk across, while the Egyptians drowned. My first reaction to this was that it was a song celebrating death. In the reading, it talked about a similar story on people were suffering and they were questioning god's will, he came through and helped the suffering people through others death. I went to catholic school, however, did not grow up religious. I never attended church until high school. The thing I have taken from that, is to find the core message to get out of a story. To find something that you can take away with you to become a better person. For this, i wanted to portray through my project how in a dark time, there can always be light,  especially if you stick together.  I used the line,

"Mary wore three links of chain
Every link was freedoms name"'

as the center point of the project. I found that line to be particularly impactful. Chains are tied to holding something down, for this it is holding something together. In my experience, in bad times you need to stick together.

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