Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Its hard to summarize this class with strictly speaking of the music, its more about the feelings and relationships. Which is really what the music is about as well. All the music we have learned about and listened too are forever changing with the people and feeling of that specific moment, and with the recording you can relive that moment. This class has made me see music in a much different way. The stories I engaged in most were the the ones like carrying a recorder in the trunk of a car and traveling around getting different peoples individual perspectives on a song, and how they would like to portray the words. It shows how sometimes words are simply just words, and the meaning comes from the feeling you give when you expose those songs. I found it very interesting why in a class that only met once a week, I have made more friends  in this class than i have ever met before in any other class. This is a mixture of many things but i think the music plays a huge role in that. The music we listened to was raw and real, there is true meaning behind it and that set up the stage for people up to express their own raw emotions. I bet if we had a full year of this class, we would be getting into some exceptionally deep talks and open up even more. Its hard to come to a class that is four hours at night, i couldn't have done it for another class. The mixture of the environment which the music creates and the free flowing discussions lead by Mr. Panda himself made it feel like a gathering as opposed to a class. This has been a very special class for me, and I will think of it always when I hear the songs we sang together.

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